Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Poetry 2000-05

I have decided to share some of my old poetry with you and will try to continue to add more current poetry to my blog as I write them. I hope you enjoy them as much I have written them. Now, these few here that I have done WERE for my ex-husband at the time but since the poems are still pretty good (in my opinion) I still wanted to share them LOL.

Unemployed Disabled Person (2006)
I am a disabled person that is looking for a job...
that will let me use my knowlege.
that will not look at my disability
that will see how motivated I am.
that will be able to help me support my family.
that will not judge my speed.
Isn't it true that the slow and the steady win the race
or was that only a fairy tale?
I hope one day I get a job.
I am tired of being an unemployed disabled person

The Flight (2002)

Dedicated to my husband, the one who helped me slow down my 'Flight'.

As I close my eyes
I see my life flash before them
So fast I can barely keep up
Am I dreaming?
Or is my life rapidly moving
When things become clear
There is fear
I am in a flight
I am looking down as my life is passing by
What can I do?
I focus and I slow down my flight and realize
My life isn't so bad
The flight showed me that I have a life and that I should be grateful
I suddenly open my eyes and found myself grounded

My Love you are My Dove (2002)

Dedicated to my husband, My Dove.

My Love you are My Dove
What we have is more just a fling
You take me under your wing
To protect and give me peace
As you hold me, I am at ease
When I look into your eyes I see love
Which makes me smile like a mile
My Love you are are My Dove

Is it fate? (2000)

Dedicated to my Husband, I love you my soulmate.

Is it fate?
That I met you
Are you my soulmate?
Is it fate?
That we found each other
Are we meant to be?
Is it fate?
That we are in love
Are we that perfect couple?
Is it fate?
That you said "Yes"
Are we able to become family?
Is it fate?
That we are now wedded
Are we forever?
Is it fate?

Dear God (2001)
Dedicated for those who we lost and the survivors of the 911 terrorist attacks

My Dear God,
Please watch over my fellow Brothers and Sisters
Who are suffering from a lot of pain
Give them strength to go on and survive,
Give them courage to smile and to deal with their tragedy
God do not let your Children give up their faith and give up on you.